18, 2012
past month has been pretty busy, but in a good way. I finished up my
student teaching. That was exciting and hectic at the same time. I
got to go with the students to the state drama competition at
Taylorsville High School. Incidentally, Taylorsville is looking for
a new drama teacher and I applied for that position. Anyways, the
students did really well for the most part. Our school took third
place overall and a few people medaled in their events. The greatest
thing for me was getting to see the look on the students faces when
it was announced they had won. Two of the students sang a song from
Parade and managed to take
first place in musical theatre. Watching their faces I got to see a
mixture of surprise, excitement, and wonder all at once. It was a
great experience. I hope I can have that experience again but as a
parent watching you achieve great things.
also finished up the last play of the season at the high school. The
kids did a great job with it. It was a great experience for them and
anyone who came to see it.
that over with, I finally graduated. It was a relief to be done, but
a little scary at the same time. Since then, your mom and I have
been filling out job applications like crazy. It's time to start
making plans for where we're going to be living and working for the
next year at least. We can't stay in student housing anymore and we
need to find a way to start building experience teaching.
both been called up for a few interviews, but there haven't been any
job offers yet. I'm hoping to get hired as a drama teacher at a high
school, but I'd be okay working with younger students or even doing
math. We've been praying that the Lord would guide us to find the
opportunity that will be best for us. We're both hoping it doesn't
take too long, but knowing that we have to be patient all the same.
looking forward to finding somewhere to live where we can start
building our family. Right now it's just the two of us, but we know
you will be coming to join us when the time is right. We love you
and pray for you.
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