Two years came and went and he came home. I rushed down, at the last possible minute, to see his homecoming talk. That's when the romance continued. We talked about not getting married for a year and just getting to know each other, but that soon changed. He would call me everyday and I realized that I wanted to be with him for eternity. About 3 months after getting back from his mission we were engaged and had already set a date. He proposed to me in St. George, Utah and I, of course, said yes. We were married in the Manti Temple on the 8th of August 2008. We then moved to Provo, Utah where we both attended Brigham Young University. I graduated in Elementary Education and he will graduate in April of 2012 in Theater Education.

We both have many things that we like to do, most of them together. The number one thing that we like to do is play games. We love to play any type of board games. Some of our favorites include Dog-opoly, Settlers of Catan, and Clue. We also love to play Rumikub, Skipbo, Yahtzee, mini golf and bowling. John and I like to play games that include other people too. Some of our favorite family games include Apples to Apples and Spoons.
We love to garden. When we are able to have a house we plan on having a big garden that we can grow vegetables, flowers, and anything else we can grow in it. We love fresh food! Fresh fruits and vegetables will always be on our table.
We also love to travel. Some of our favorite destinations include California and any National Park. Our last vacation took us to Yellowstone National Park. We have also been to Zions National Park and Mesa Verde National Park together. We love to hike and be outside in the wilderness.

A large part of our life is our religion. We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We attend church every week and we work in the LDS Provo Temple every Friday. God is a huge part of our life.
There are many things that we like to do together, but there are some things that we do apart. See our individual pages to see both our separate interests.