Dear Children,
This month has been very long, short, and everything in between. Your father and I have done many things this month, so it is hard to know where to begin, but I will try to make this letter as organized as I can.

To start off, this month has given us a lot to think about. We made a quick trip down to Mancos to do an interview in Blanding. We didn't get it, but we got to spend a lot of time with family and that was well worth the trip.

When we returned we found out something that was very hard to deal with. One of our friends in our ward was very ill after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl. We prayed for her and her family. The Lord took her home a little while after that. It has been such a blessing to be in this ward and to be around so many people who love us and who we love very much. The support that the family has received has been amazing to watch and a real testimony builder. The whole thing has strengthened my testimony of The Plan of Salvation. I know this young mother will get to raise her three beautiful children and that she is in a wonderful place.

Your father has an interview this week. We are praying and fasting that we find the jobs that will be the best for us and that the Lord will send us to the best place to raise our family. We are so excited for this interview and can't wait to find out what the result will be. I also had an observation last week for a fifth grade part time position at the school I am at now. It was exhilarating to teach a lesson. It reminded me of why I went into education and why I love it so much.

We went on a hike today. I am so sore! It was only supposed to be a 4.5 mile hike, but we missed the trail and ended up going on a 10 mile hike. We saw lots of wild flowers, lizards, snake, squirrels, and butterflies. It was a beautiful hike and it makes me very grateful for many things. I am grateful for the beauty that the Lord has placed here on the Earth. I am grateful for a body that can hike 10 miles and only be sore. I am grateful for the food and water that we took with us. I am grateful for the opportunity to go hiking with your father. I am grateful for everything that the Lord has given us.
Lastly, I am grateful for you. I know that you are not in our home yet, but I am grateful for the knowledge that someday you will be here. We look forward to all the things we will be able to do with you, like 10 mile oops hikes. We love you so very much.
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