
My Family

I was born and raised in Mancos, Colorado. Mancos is located in the southwest corner of Colorado. Most of my family lives in the same little corner of Colorado.

My mom, Cammy, grew up in a place called McElmo Canyon. She attended Montezuma Cortez High School in Cortez, Colorado. She didn't attend college, but decided to work at the Cortez Police Department as a secretary. This is where she met my dad. She now works as a registrar at a high school.

My dad, Gary, was born in Wisconsin, but grew up in many different places. He joined the military after he graduated and lived in many different places. He finally settled in Cortez and began to work at the Cortez Police Department as a police officer. This is where he met my mom. He still works at the police department as a detective.

After they were married they had two girls. I am the oldest and I have a little sister named Skyler. Skyler currently attends Adams State College in Alamosa, Colorado. She plays college soccer there and is going into the nursing program.

My family are converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My mom was originally LDS, but wasn't active and my dad was a Baptist. When we were old enough to understand values our parents decided that we should start going to a church. My mom wanted to go to the LDS church and my dad didn't. He said that he would shoot any missionary who stepped foot on our property. A little while after we started investigating churches, I had a stroke. This is what helped to convert my dad to the gospel. I had a blessing right when I had the stroke and then I was better within ten days, which was unheard of. It was a miracle. After that my dad began to really investigate the LDS church and found that he really liked it. During this time, John's dad and brother were our home teachers. A few years after beginning our journey into the LDS church my dad was baptized and we were sealed in the Manti Temple for time and all eternity.

Our Pets
Lily and Zach
These are our pets. Lily and Zach are both lab mixes and are very fun to be around. They are both like toddlers and love to play with toys. We always have toys scattered in various places around the house. Twix and Skittles are our two cats. All of our animals are rescued. We have always had pets in our house and I have loved it.

My Interests

I have lots of interests. Right now some of my interests include scrap-booking, reading, playing music on my flute, playing video games, hiking, and zumba.

I like to scrap book. I am not very good at it, but I am slowly getting better. Right now I am working on our trip to Yellowstone. It has been a lot of fun to see the pictures that we took and to put them in something that will last us a lifetime.

I really like to read anything fantasy, but I also enjoy a good informational book. My current reads right now include the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan and The First Days of School by Henry and Rosemary Wong. We have several bookcases full of books.

I have been playing the flute since I was in fifth grade. I have a passion for music and it is always a part of our home. There is always music playing. I want music to be a part of our life and a part of my children's lives. I enjoy just playing in my home, but I like to play for other people as well. Music will always have a place in our home.

Me and John both enjoy playing video games occasionally. I really enjoy the Lego video games because it gives us a chance to play games together. I also enjoy role playing games. The important thing to know about this interest is that it doesn't take over our lives. I can only sit and play a game for about an hour at a time, but I enjoy that hour.

Zumba has just recently come into my life. I was looking for a fun way to workout and this is what I enjoyed the most. Zumba takes Latin dance moves and makes them into an intense workout. It is very fun and energetic and I love it! Right now I have just been using a routine I found on line, but I will be joining a class when August roles around. If your looking for a fun workout Zumba is the best!

If you want to know some more of my interests feel free to ask. Sometimes interests change and/or you can't remember all of your interests at one time. Just email me at:


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