Thursday, January 12, 2012

Our year

I've been contemplating what to write on this blog for awhile. I have finally decided to kind of make a list of all the things that have happened in the past couple of months.

Grandma's cute Christmas gift
1. John finished his last classes and finals. Yeah!
2. We went home for Christmas.
3. Went to a baby blessing for Jaina Elizabeth Whitehead. She was super cute!
4. Hung out with family for over a week. It was so nice to be home.
5. Played with and potty trained Grandmas new puppy. We cried when we had to give him to her.
6. Consoled the other pets in the house because they were upset with having a puppy in their house. We didn't see the cats the whole week we were there because they hated the puppy.
7. Made donuts with Grandma Audrey. They were delicious!
8. Ate out way more than we should have. Luckily we didn't pay for most of it.
9. Got a new car for Christmas. It has been my sanity in the last month.
10. Came home to find out I had lost my job. In the end its been a good thing.
11. John started his student teaching. He loves it!
12. I applied for jobs left and right and finally settled on substitute teaching. I am hoping it won't be too bad and that I can do it.
13. Got a lot of housework done.
14. Went to the temple a lot!
15. Reflected on what could happen within the next few months.

John and Lily watching TV together
A lot happened to us these past few months. Most things good and some not so good. We are very grateful for the blessings Heavenly Father gives and for the trials. We are still very excited to grow our family through adoption and can't wait to hold a little one in our arms. We pray everyday for our family to blossom. We are so grateful for the many prayers that are offered in our behalf and for our many friends and family that support us. We ask that everyone continues to support us through the good and the bad times.


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