I realized the other day that I haven't born my testimony in a long time. I think it's because I am scared of public speaking. As I was sitting in church on Sunday I realized how strong my testimony is and I want to share it somehow. So here it goes.
I have a very strong testimony of the blessings the temple can bring us. I wish I could describe in words how important being sealed is. I wish I could tell people about all the blessings that can be theirs if they are sealed to their family. The biggest blessing, that can be put into words, is that we get to be with our families forever. I have been working in the temple for over half a year now. I have just recently been called to be a guide for those who are coming to the temple for the first time. Looking into their faces and seeing how happy they are is the best thing ever. They are so full of happiness. Those are being sealed are my favorite to see. They love each other so much and it shows just in their smiling faces. I want to sit with them all day and soak up their feelings and to tell them that life only gets better. I want to tell them that they will only love each other more as time passes. I have seen this in my own marriage. I love John more now than when we got married. I also realize how much more important being sealed is. I have had the privilege to be sealed twice, once to my family and once to my husband. I can still remember kneeling at the alter with my family when we got sealed. We were all dressed in white and it was beautiful. The second time, to my husband, I can remember a little bit more. I remember looking at him and thinking that he was the one I would get to spend eternity with. Happy tears welled up in my eyes as we were sealed together forever. I feel so blessed to know that our children will be able to be sealed to us for time and all eternity.
I just want everyone to know how grateful I am that my family joined the church and that we were able to be sealed together for time and all eternity. I am grateful for my husband and for the love that we share with each other. I am grateful that my Heavenly Father loves me enough to let me stay with those I love, forever. I am grateful for the things that we are taught everyday in the temple and for the truths that are revealed. And I am grateful for the opportunity to share my testimony. Thank you all for your support and thank you for letting me share this part of my testimony with you.
Beautiful testimony Cassy!
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