Monday, November 28, 2011

Check Out Our Adoption Profile

Check out our adoption profile at You can learn more about us and our desire to adopt.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The 25 Things We Are Thankful For

Gary and Dan
This is a little belated, but we wanted to list the 25 things we are thankful for. John is helping me with this post, so they are coming from both of us. These aren't in any particular order I also want to include some of the pictures taken over Thanksgiving of the family.

Grandma Audrey, Linda, and John.

1. Each other
2. Family
3. A car that runs
4. A good job
5. The Gospel
6. The Temple
7. Animals/ Pets
8. Good Food/ Mom's cooking
9. A loving Heavenly Father    
10. Jesus Christ
11. A good home
12. Good neighbors and a good neighborhood
13. Friends
Grandma, Skyler, and Cammy
14. A healthy body
15. Theatre
16. Education
17. Sweets
18. Board games
19. Good movies
20. The chance to adopt
21. Good Books
22. Music
23. Medical Care
24. Insurance
25. The internet (when it works)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Here are those Halloween pictures I promised. They're a little late in coming, but they did make it on here. I also thought I would add some of our past pumpkin pictures in as well. I don't know what happened to one of our pumpkins for Halloween 2009. Oh well, enjoy.

John carving his pumpkin

Cassy carving John's pumpkin. Long story there.
The finished products

Light 'em up. Halloween 2011.

Pictures of pumpkins past. Halloween 2010

Halloween 2008